Out in Nature

Several years ago, I started doing what I came to call “early morning gardening”.

Early morning gardening is basically time spent, usually early in the morning, out in nature.  And hopefully almost every day.

During “early morning gardening”, I garden.

But it’s not gardening to get the flower beds finished, it’s gardening to spend some time outside.

To have a time of quiet, to listen to the birds singing, to the wind blowing.  It’s a time to see the flowers blooming, to add water to the birdbaths.  To just spend time and to “be”.

Early morning gardening  has to do with slowness of pace and of accomplishing things little by little.  It has to do with taking time to observe… to really look at God’s gift of nature around us… whether it is listening to a bird singing, the different colors of the violets blooming in spring, the unique shape of a pine cone, or feeling the touch of the gentle breeze on my face.

It’s being able to identify birds or bugs or even the seasons by their specific sounds.

It’s a time of quiet.

A time of peace.

A time of joy.

An article in Prevention Magazine from May of 2013 tells us that studies show that as little as five minutes of walking in a natural setting can increase our self-esteem, boost our mood, and slash high blood pressure.  And a 2011 Scottish study found that being outdoors ups mental health benefits by 50% over exercising in a gym.

There’s something to be said about spending regular time out in nature.

Jesus did it.  Scripture tells us that He often withdrew  to lonely places.

I wonder what He did during that time.  And why did He do it?

If Jesus found benefit in withdrawing to a place of quiet in this way.  I’m thinking we might find benefit as well.